111 INSTAll DoWNDRAfT VeNT• Locate the stabilizing brackets and attachmentscrews.• One stabilizing bracket must be installed on eachside of the downdraft vent.• for right-side or straight-down blowerdischarge, fasten the stabilizing brackets atlocations A and B.• for left-side blower discharge, fasten thestabilizing brackets at locations B and C.Note: Location C, D or E can be used if there is aspace constraint in the cabinet.• Place the downdraft vent into the countertopcutout so that the back flange of the vent issitting on top of the countertop.Note: The downdraft vent may need to be turnedat an angle to fit into the countertop cutout.• Secure the screws for the stabilizing brackets tothe cabinet back wall.• When installing the downdraft vent in a tilecountertop surface, it may be necessary to applya locally approved caulking to cover any gaps.Installation Instructions2 INSTAll DucTWoRk• The downdraft blower system is designed for usewith 3-1/4" x 10" ductwork. It can be transitionedto 6" round.• Ductwork MUST be vented to the outside—neverin a crawl space, attic or other enclosed space.• 6" PVC duct should be used when installing undera concrete slab.NoTe: Local building code must be followedfor installation in specifying approved type andschedule of PVC duct used.• DO NOT USE flexible plastic ducting.• Always use appropriate roof or wall cap withdamper. Laundry-type wall caps should neverbe used.• Use the straightest duct run possible.• For satisfactory performance, the duct run shouldnot exceed 150 ft. or its equivalent length whenbends or various fittings are used. Refer to thetable of equivalent lengths to calculate yourinstallation.• Install ductwork so the piece of duct nearest thedowndraft unit slots INTO the next piece of theduct. Secure the joints with self-tapping screwsand apply duct tape around the joints to ensurean airtight seal.Duct TapeOver Seam and ScrewScrewAirFlow682Dia53BracketCabinet BackWallDowndraft VentLocation Aor CTOP VIEWACDBEADC