6-8 L90 Line Current Differential System GE Multilin6.2 STATUS 6 ACTUAL VALUES6The display shows both the current position and the full range. The current position only (an integer from 0 through 7) is theactual value.6.2.13 FLEX STATESPATH: ACTUAL VALUES Ö STATUS ÖØ FLEX STATESThere are 256 FlexState bits available. The second line value indicates the state of the given FlexState bit.6.2.14 ETHERNETPATH: ACTUAL VALUES Ö STATUS ÖØ ETHERNETThese values indicate the status of the primary and secondary Ethernet links.6.2.15 IEC 61850 GOOSE INTEGERSPATH: ACTUAL VALUES ÖØ STATUS ÖØ IEC 61850 GOOSE UINTEGERSThe L90 Line Current Differential System is provided with optional IEC 61850 communications capability.This feature is specified as a software option at the time of ordering. Refer to the Ordering section of chap-ter 2 for additional details. The IEC 61850 protocol features are not available if CPU type E is ordered.The IEC 61850 GGIO5 integer input data points are displayed in this menu. The GGIO5 integer data values are receivedvia IEC 61850 GOOSE messages sent from other devices. FLEX STATESPARAM 1: OffOffRange: Off, OnMESSAGE PARAM 2: OffOffRange: Off, OnpMESSAGE PARAM 256: OffOffRange: Off, On ETHERNETETHERNET PRI LINKSTATUS: OKRange: Fail, OKMESSAGE ETHERNET SEC LINKSTATUS: OKRange: Fail, OK IEC 61850 GOOSE UINTEGERSUINT INPUT 10MESSAGE UINT INPUT 20pMESSAGE UINT INPUT 160