Customer Service Troubleshooting Tips Installation Instructions Care and Cleaning Operating Instructions Safety Instructions10Installation of the cooktop.Read these instructions completely and carefully.Tools You Will Need 1/8″ Drill bit Electric or hand drill Flat blade screwdriver Pencil Ruler or tape measure and straightedge Hand saw or saber sawBefore You BeginRead these instructions completelyand carefully.IMPORTANT—Save these instructionsfor local inspector’s use.IMPORTANT—Observe all governing codesand ordinances.NOTE TO INSTALLER—Be sure to leave theseinstructions with the Consumer.NOTE: This appliance must be properlygrounded.Electrical RequirementsCAUTION: for personal safety, remove housefuse or circuit breaker before beginninginstallation.This appliance must be supplied with the propervoltage and frequency and connected to anindividual, properly grounded branch circuit,protected by a circuit breaker or time delay fuse,as noted on the rating plate.All wire connections must be made in accordancewith local codes and properly insulated. Checkwith your local utility for governing electricalcodes and ordinances.If you fail to wire your counter unit inaccordance with governing codes, youmay create a hazardous condition.Electrical ConnectionsDANGER: The electrical power to thecounter unit supply line must be shut offwhile line connections are being made. Failureto do so could result in serious injury or death.You must use a two-wire A.C. 208/240 Volt,60 Hertz electrical system. A white (neutral) wireis not needed for this unit. The white lead fromthe household electrical supply can be isolatedand secured in the junction box.If you connectto aluminum wiring, properly installed connectionslisted for use with aluminum and copper wiringmust be used.Use a minimum wire size of No. 12 copper wirewith a 20 Amp fuse or circuit breaker for both208/240 Volt electrical systems.When making the wire connections, use theentire length of conduit provided. The conduitmust not be cut.Connect the red and black leads from the counterunit conduit to the corresponding leads in thejunction box.The bare ground wire in the conduit is connectedto the counter unit frame. It must be connected tothe household electrical supply ground.