www.GEAp#iences.comUU©&0SaJb_ Instructions ....... 2-4Operating InstructionsClock and Timer . .......... 13Control I,ockout ........... 13Controls ................... 5Oven ................. l 1, 12Sabbath Feature .......... 9, 10Self-Cleaning Oven ...... 16, 17Special Features ........... 6-8Thermostat ............... 15Timed Baking and Roasting . .14Care and CleaningBroiler Pan and Gdd ........ 19Control Panel ............. 18Glass Surfitces ............. 21Heating Element ........... 21Kn ob .................... [ 8Lift-Off ()yen Door . ..... 18, 19Light Bulb ................ 20Oven Interior. ............. 21Packaging Tape ............ 18Painted Surfaces ........... 21Shelves ................... 19Stainless Steel Surfi_ces ...... 21Troubleshooting Tips .... 22-24Consumer SupportConsumer Support . . Ba(k Co_erProduct Registration ..... 25, 26XAarrantv . ................ 27JKP20-27" Single Waft OvenJTP20-30" Sb_gge Waft OvenJKP25-2 7' Si*_gfe Wall ()ve_JTP25-3(/' Si_gge _19fi()ve_JKP2S-27" Doub# _'!91{ OvenJTP2S-30" Doub# _'!_t£ (h_enJKP4b'-27" Doub# Wa[[ OvenJTP4S-30" Double _'97/£ (h:m_JKPSO-27" Doub# _'!9fl (h_enJT[_5()-30 " Doub# 14_tg (h_enWrite the model and serialnmnbers here:Model #SeriM#You cam_timid them oral a ]abe]o]] the sk]e trh]] or o]] the {_'o]]tof the (lower) ovem] bebim]d theovem_ door.1640429OP38f 49-80229 08-03 JR