11Installation Instructions5 BURNER GRATESThe cooktop grates are designed for specificpositions. For maximum stability, these gratesshould only be used in their proper position: theyshould not be interchanged. For your convenience,the undersides of the left and right grates aremarked “OUTSIDE” and “INSIDE”. Make sure that theside marked “OUTSIDE” is on the outer edge of yourcooktop.2 CHECK IGNITERSOperation of the electric igniters should be checkedafter the cooktop and supply line have beencarefully checked for leaks and the cooktop hasbeen connected to the electrical power.On models so equipped, check to be sure thecooktop is in the UNLOCKED position.A Push and turn a burner valve to the LITEposition. All spark igniters will make a series ofsparks (ticking sounds), but only the burnerturned to LITE will light.• The burner should light when gas isavailable to the burner.• Once the burner lights, it should be turnedout of the LITE position.B Try each valve separately until all burnershave been checked.3 BURNER IGNITION&RRNWRS6SDUN,JQLWLRQ³:KHQ\RXWXUQWKHcooktop knob to LITE, the spark igniter makes aseries of electric sparks (ticking sounds) which lightthe burner. During a power failure, the burners willnot light automatically. In an emergency, a cooktopburner may be lit with a match by following thesteps below.WARNING Lighting gas burners with amatch is dangerous. You should match light thecooktop burners only in an emergency.On models so equipped, check to be sure thecooktop is in the UNLOCKED position.A Light a match and hold the flame near theburner you want to light. Wooden matcheswork best.B Push in and turn the control knob slowly. Besure you are turning the correct knob for theburner you are lighting.NOTE: If the burner does not light within five seconds,turn the knob off and wait one minute before tryingagain.4 THE BURNER FLAMESTurn each burner on. Flames should be blue in colorwith no trace of yellow. The burner flames shouldnot flutter or blow away from the burner. The flameshould be no less than 1/4s on the lowest settingand no greater than 1-1/2s on highest setting.WARNING If you attempt to measure theflame, please use caution. Burns could result.Burners should be checked frequentlyCooktop Burner1/4s to1-1/2s“OUTSIDE”edge“OUTSIDE”edge“INSIDE”edges