10Installation Instructions1 ASSEMBLING THE COOKTOPBURNERSThe electrode of the spark igniter is exposed. Becareful not to push any cooktop controls while thetop of the burner is removed.Do not remove the top or touch the electrodeof any burner while another burner is turned on.Electrical shock might result.A Replace the burner head onto the burnerbase, making sure that the head is properlyoriented over the burner base and theelectrode. Make sure to place the correctburner head on the correct burner base andthat the burner head sits level on the burnerbase. The burner heads are notinterchangeable.B Place the burnercaps on the burnerheads, making sureto place the correctburner cap on thecorrect burnerhead. The burnercaps are notinterchangeable.Make sure that theburner caps areproperly seated onthe burner heads.COOKTOP BURNERSBurner cap not properly seatedBurner cap properly seatedC Make sure the pins inthe burner headsmatch the burnerbase indentationsand that they areproperly seated inthem by rotating theheads until they arelevel.Make sure the slot inthe burner headis positionedover theelectrode.The burner caphas three tofour pins.Whenreplacing thecap, makesure none ofthe pins sitsin the stabilitychamber.Make surethe holein the burnerhead assembly ispositioned over theelectrode and thatthe burner head isfully inserted insidethe burner base. Asmall gap betweenthe base and head isnormal.LocatorpinsPinindentationsBurnerbaseElectrodeBurner headBurner capBurner capBurner headassemblyBurnerbaseElectrodeBurner capBurner headBurner baseElectrodeStabilitychamber