Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Customer ServiceUsing the cooktop burners.Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.How to Light a BurnerYour cooktop burners are lit by electricignition, eliminating the need forstanding pilot lights with constantlyburning flames.Push the control knob in and turn itcounterclockwise to theLITE position.After the burner ignites, turn the knob toadjust the flame size. To turn the burneroff, turn the knob clockwise as far as it willgo, to theOFF position.nCheck to be sure the burner you turn on is theone you want to use.nIn case of a power failure, you can light theburners with a match. Hold a lit match to theburner, then push in and turn the control knobto the LITE position. Use extreme caution whenlighting burners this way. Burners in use whenan electrical power failure occurs will continueto operate normally.nDo not operate the burner for an extendedperiod of time without cookware on the grate.The finish on the grate may chip withoutcookware to absorb the heat.nBe sure the burners and grates are cool beforeyou place your hand, a pot holder, cleaningcloths or other materials on them.Be sure you turn the control knobto OFF when you finish cooking.How to Select Flame SizeWatch the flame, not the knob, as you reduceheat.The flame size on a gas burner should matchthe cookware you are using.For safe handling of cookware never let theflame extend up the sides of the cookware.Any flame larger than the bottom of thecookware is wasted and only serves to heatthe handle.Never let the flame extend up thesides of the cookware.How to Select Flame SizeWe recommend that you use a flat-bottomedwok, available at your local retail storesDo not use a wok on any other supportring. Placing the ring over the burner gratemay cause the burner to work improperly,resulting in carbon monoxide levelsabove allowable current standards.This could be dangerous to your health.Do not try to use such woks without thering unless you are using the WokHolder. You could be seriously burned ifthe wok tipped over.CookwareAluminum: Medium-weight cookware isrecommended because it heats quicklyand evenly. Most foods brown evenly inan aluminum skillet. Use saucepans withtight fitting lids when cooking withminimum amounts of water.Enamelware: Under some conditions,the enamel of some cookware maymelt. Follow cookware manufacturer’srecommendations for cooking methods.Glass: There are two types of glasscookware: those for oven use onlyand those for cooktop cooking(saucepans, coffee and tea pots).Glass conducts heat very slowly.Cast Iron: If heated slowly, mostskillets will give satisfactory results.Heatproof Glass Ceramic: Can be usedfor either surface or oven cooking.It conducts heat very slowly and coolsvery slowly. Check cookwaremanufacturer’s directions to be sure itcan be used on a gas cooktop.Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poorheating properties and is usually combinedwith copper, aluminum or other metals forimproved heat distribution. Combinationmetal skillets usually work satisfactorily ifthey are used with medium heat as themanufacturer recommends. 7