Control, Clock and TimerClockThe clock must be set for [he;iutomatic oven timing functionsto work properly. The time of daycannot be changed during a TIMEBAKE ~yde.To Set the ClockStep 1. Press the CLOCK pad.EmIStep 2. Press INCREASE orDECREASE pad to set the timeOf day.Power Outage?After a power outage, when poweris restored the display will flashand time shown will no longer becorrect.The display flashes until the clockis reset. All other functions thatwere in operation when the powerwent out will have to beprogrammed again.TimerThe timer does not control ovenoperations. The maximum settingon the timer is 9 hours and 55minutes.To Set The TimerStep 1. Press the TIMERON/OFF pad.Step 2. Press lNCREASE orDECREASE pad to set the amountof time on the timer.The timer will start automaticallywithin a few seconds of releasingthe pad.The timer. as you arc setting it,will display seconds until 60seconds is reached.m!niiimThen it will display minutes andseconds until 60 minutes isreached.After 60 minutes, it will displayhours ( “HR >’ now appears indisplay) and minutes until themaximum time of 9 hours and 55minutes is reached.To Reset TimerPress TIMER pad and then pressINCREASE or DECREASE paduntil the time you want shows onthe display.To Cancel TimerPress and hold TIMER pad untilthe word “TIMER” quits flashingon the display (about 4 seconds).Timer TonesThe timer tone is 3 beeps followedby 1 beep every 6 seconds. If youwould like to remove the one beepevery 6 seconds, press and holdCLEAR/OFF for 10 seconds.To return the tone of 1 beep every6 seconds, press and holdCLEAIUOFF for 10 seconds.14