_iii!ii[[ilJiiii_iilli!iiiiiiij}Installation of the range.Read these instructions completely and carefully.Flooring Under the RangeYourrange,likemanFotherhouseholditems,is heavFandcansettleintosoft floorcovedngssuchascushionedvinylor carpeting.When rnovir N the range on this t)l)e of flooring, it should be installed on a1/4" thick sheet of pl)_x)od (or similar material) as tbllows:_Vllen the tloor coverino- ends at the fl'ont of the rano-e the area that the rano-ewill rest on should be buih up with plywood to the same level or higher than thefloor covering. This will allow the range to be moved tot cleaning or se_s_icing.[] Prepare for Electrical ConnectionEffecdve January I, 1996the Nationa! Electric Code requires thatnew construction (not existing) utilize a 4-conductor connection to anelectric rangawhen installing a# electric range in new construction follow Steps 3and 5 for 4-wire connection.Use orfly a 3-(onductor or a 4_ onductor U IAisted range cord. These cords ma}be provided with ring terminals on wire and a strain relief device.A range cord rated at 40 amps with 125/250 mininmm volt range is required.A 50 amp range cord is not recornmended 1)ut if used, it should be marked foruse with nominal 114"diarneter connection openings. Care should be taken tocenter the cable and strain reliet within the knockout hole to keep the edge ti'omdamaging the cal)le.NOTE"A 4-conductorcordis tobe usedwhentheapplianceis installedina mobilehomeor whenlocalcodesdonot permitgroundingthroughthe neutral,ffconduitis beingused,go to Step6 or Zi}!iii_iiiiiiiiiii!iiii!i![i_iiiiiiiii!i!i iiiiHi