49-80701-2 3SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSSAFETY INFORMATIONŶ8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRQO\IRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHas described in this Owner’s Manual.Ŷ%HVXUH\RXUDSSOLDQFHLVSURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGDQGgrounded by a qualified installer in accordancewith the provided installation instructions.Ŷ'RQRWDWWHPSWWRUHSDLURUUHSODFHDQ\SDUWRIyour range unless it is specifically recommendedin this manual. All other servicing should betransferred to a qualified technician.Ŷ%HIRUHSHUIRUPLQJDQ\VHUYLFHXQSOXJWKHUDQJHor disconnect the power supply at the householddistribution panel by removing the fuse orswitching off the circuit breaker.Ŷ'RQRWOHDYHFKLOGUHQDORQH²FKLOGUHQVKRXOGQRWbe left alone or unattended in an area where anappliance is in use. They should never be allowedto climb, sit or stand on any part of the appliance.Ŷ CAUTION: Do not store items ofinterest to children above a range or on theEDFNJXDUGRIDUDQJH²FKLOGUHQFOLPELQJRQWKHrange to reach items could be seriously injured.Ŷ8VHRQO\GU\SRWKROGHUV²PRLVWRUGDPSSRWholders on hot surfaces may result in burns fromsteam. Do not let pot holders touch hot surfaceunits or heating elements. Do not use a towel orother bulky cloth in place of pot holders.Ŷ 1HYHUXVH\RXUDSSOLDQFHIRUZDUPLQJRUKHDWLQJthe room.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKWKHVXUIDFHXQLWVWKHKHDWLQJelements or the interior surface of the oven.These surfaces may be hot enough to burneven though they are dark in color. During andafter use, do not touch, or let clothing or otherflammable materials contact the surface units,areas nearby the surface units or any interiorarea of the oven; allow sufficient time for coolingfirst. Other surfaces of the appliance maybecome hot enough to cause burns. Potentiallyhot surfaces include the cooktop, areas facingthe cooktop, oven vent opening, surfaces nearthe opening and crevices around the oven door.Ŷ 'RQRWKHDWXQRSHQHGIRRGFRQWDLQHUV3UHVVXUHcould build up and the container could burst,causing an injury.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHDQ\W\SHRIIRLORUOLQHUWRFRYHUWKHoven bottom or anywhere in the oven, except asdescribed in this manual. Oven liners can trapheat or melt, resulting in damage to the productand risk of shock, smoke or fire.Ŷ $YRLGVFUDWFKLQJRULPSDFWLQJJODVVGRRUVFRRNtops or control panels. Doing so may lead toglass breakage. Do not cook on a product withbroken glass. Shock, fire or cuts may occur.Ŷ &RRNPHDWDQGSRXOWU\WKRURXJKO\²PHDWWRat least an internal temperature of 160°F andpoultry to at least an internal temperature of180°F. Cooking to these temperatures usuallyprotects against foodborne illness.GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNINGŶ Do not store or use flammable materials inan oven or near the cooktop, including paper,plastic, pot holders, linens, wall coverings,curtains, drapes and gasoline or other flammablevapors and liquids.Ŷ Never wear loose-fitting or hanging garments whileusing the appliance. These garments may ignite ifthey contact hot surfaces causing severe burns.Ŷ Do not let cooking grease or other flammablematerials accumulate in or near the range.Grease in the oven or on the cooktop may ignite.Ŷ Clean ventilating hoods frequently. Greaseshould not be allowed to accumulate on the hoodor filter.KEEP FLAMMABLE MATERIALS AWAY FROM THE RANGEFailure to do so may result in fire or personal injury.WARNING