49-80701-2 11Home Canning Tips%HVXUHWKHFDQQHULVFHQWHUHGRYHUWKHVXUIDFHXQLWMake sure the canner is flat on the bottom.To prevent burns from steam or heat, use caution whencanning.8VHUHFLSHVDQGSURFHGXUHVIURPUHSXWDEOHVRXUFHV7KHVHDUHDYDLODEOHIURPPDQXIDFWXUHUVVXFKDV%DOO®and Kerr ® and the Department of Agriculture ExtensionService.)ODWERWWRPHGFDQQHUVDUHUHFRPPHQGHG8VHRIZDWHUbath canners with rippled bottoms may extend the timerequired to bring the water to a boil.Temperature Limiter on Radiant Glass CooktopsEvery radiant surface unit has a temperature limiter.The temperature limiter protects the glass cooktop fromgetting too hot.The temperature limiter may cycle the surface units offfor a time if:Ŷ WKHSDQERLOVGU\Ŷ WKHSDQERWWRPLVQRWIODWŶ WKHSDQLVRIIFHQWHUŶ WKHUHLVQRSDQRQWKHXQLWFor Models With a Radiant Glass CooktopThe radiant cooktop features heating units beneath asmooth glass surface.NOTE: A slight odor is normal when a new cooktop isused for the first time. It is caused by the heating of newparts and insulating materials and will disappear in ashort time.NOTE: On models with light-colored glass cooktops, it isnormal for the cooking zones to change color when hotor cooling down. This is temporary and will disappear asthe glass cools to room temperature.The surface unit will cycle on and off to maintain yourselected control setting.It is safe to place hot cookware on the glass surfaceeven when the cooktop is cool.Even after the surface units are turned off, the glasscooktop retains enough heat to continue cooking. Toavoid overcooking, remove pans from the surface unitswhen the food is cooked. Avoid placing anything on thesurface unit until it has cooled completely.Ŷ :DWHUVWDLQV PLQHUDOGHSRVLWV DUHUHPRYDEOHXVLQJthe cleaning cream or full-strength white vinegar.Ŷ 8VHRIZLQGRZFOHDQHUPD\OHDYHDQLULGHVFHQWILOPRQthe cooktop. The cleaning cream will remove this film.Ŷ 'RQ¶WVWRUHKHDY\LWHPVDERYHWKHFRRNWRS,IWKH\drop onto the cooktop, they can cause damage.Ŷ 'RQRWXVHWKHVXUIDFHDVDFXWWLQJERDUGUSING THE RANGE: Surface UnitsSurface Units (Cont.)Never cook directly on the glass.Always use cookware.Always place the pan in the center ofthe surface unit you are cooking on.Do not slide cookware across the cooktopEHFDXVHLWFDQVFUDWFKWKHJODVV³WKHJODVVis scratch-resistant, not scratch proof.