DIAGNOSTIC STATUS CODESIT TRANSISTOR CONTROL Page 20January 2008Section 4.6 Traction Control CodesTRACTIONSTATUS CODE DESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATIONNONE Segments do not illuminate on theDash Display and/or the Handset.No input voltage to the control card or the displayunit.MEMORY RECALLNO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMDisplay screen on Dash Display and/orHandset is blank.POSSIBLE CAUSEPositive or negative control voltage is notpresent.• Insure that the key switch is closed andvoltage is present between P1 & batterynegative (Power Terminal “NEG”). Alsocheck for voltage between P2 and controlnegative.Open circuit between control card AND theDash Display or Handset.• Check for an open circuit or looseconnection going from the control and theDash Display or Handset.Defective Dash Display or Handset.• Replace Dash Display or Handset.NEG+-FU3KEYSWITCHP1 P2FU5TRACTIONSTATUS CODE DESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-01 No seat switch or charger switch input(no voltage to P6).This status code will be displayed when P6 is lessthan 50% battery volts.MEMORY RECALLNO CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMControl will not operate.POSSIBLE CAUSEMis-adjusted or defective seat or charger switch.• Check to see that the seat switch or chargerswitch closes properly.Open circuit between battery positive and P6.• Check for loose connections or broken wires:− Between the seat switch and P6− Between the key switch and the batterypositive side of the seat switch.− Between the seat switch and P2.• On vehicles without a seat/charger switch,check for a loose connection or broken wirefrom P2 and/or P6.NEG+-FU3KEYSWITCHP1 P2 P6 MOTOR THERMOSTATFU5