1-12 F60 Feeder Management Relay GE Multilin1.5 USING THE RELAY 1 GETTING STARTED1 1.5.4 RELAY ACTIVATIONThe relay is defaulted to the “Not Programmed” state when it leaves the factory. This safeguards against the installation ofa relay whose settings have not been entered. When powered up successfully, the Trouble LED will be on and the In Ser-vice LED off. The relay in the “Not Programmed” state will block signaling of any output relay. These conditions will remainuntil the relay is explicitly put in the “Programmed” state.Select the menu message SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ INSTALLATION Ö RELAY SETTINGSTo put the relay in the “Programmed” state, press either of the VALUE keys once and then press . The face-plate Trouble LED will turn off and the In Service LED will turn on. The settings for the relay can be programmed manually(refer to Chapter 5) via the faceplate keypad or remotely (refer to the EnerVista UR Setup Help file) via the EnerVista URSetup software interface.1.5.5 RELAY PASSWORDSIt is recommended that passwords be set up for each security level and assigned to specific personnel. There are two userpassword security access levels, COMMAND and SETTING:1. COMMANDThe COMMAND access level restricts the user from making any settings changes, but allows the user to perform the fol-lowing operations:• operate breakers via faceplate keypad• change state of virtual inputs• clear event records• clear oscillography records• operate user-programmable pushbuttons2. SETTINGThe SETTING access level allows the user to make any changes to any of the setting values.Refer to the Changing Settings section in Chapter 4 for complete instructions on setting up security levelpasswords.1.5.6 FLEXLOGIC™ CUSTOMIZATIONFlexLogic™ equation editing is required for setting up user-defined logic for customizing the relay operations. See the Flex-Logic™ section in Chapter 5 for additional details.RELAY SETTINGS:Not ProgrammedNOTE