GE Multilin C30 Controller System 4-234 HUMAN INTERFACES 4.3 FACEPLATE INTERFACE4For the following discussion it is assumed the SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP BREAKERS BREAKER 1(2) BREAKER1(2) PUSH BUTTON CONTROL setting is “Enabled” for each breaker.c) FACEPLATE (USER KEY) CONTROLAfter the 30 minute interval during which command functions are permitted after a correct command password, the usercannot open or close a breaker via the keypad. The following discussions begin from the not-permitted state.d) CONTROL OF TWO BREAKERSFor the following example setup, the (Name) field represents the user-programmed variable name.For this application (setup shown below), the relay is connected and programmed for both breaker 1 and breaker 2. TheUSER 1 key performs the selection of which breaker is to be operated by the USER 2 and USER 3 keys. The USER 2 keyis used to manually close the breaker and the USER 3 key is used to manually open the breaker.e) CONTROL OF ONE BREAKERFor this application the relay is connected and programmed for breaker 1 only. Operation for this application is identical tothat described above for two breakers.4.3.7 MENUSa) NAVIGATIONPress the MENU key to select the desired header display page (top-level menu). The header title appears momentarily fol-lowed by a header display page menu item. Each press of the MENU key advances through the following main headingpages:• Actual values.• Settings.• Commands.• Targets.• User displays (when enabled).ENTER COMMANDPASSWORDThis message appears when the USER 1, USER 2, or USER 3 key is pressed and aCOMMAND PASSWORD is required; i.e. if COMMAND PASSWORD is enabled and no com-mands have been issued within the last 30 minutes.Press USER 1To Select BreakerThis message appears if the correct password is entered or if none is required. This mes-sage will be maintained for 30 seconds or until the USER 1 key is pressed again.BKR1-(Name) SELECTEDUSER 2=CLS/USER 3=OPThis message is displayed after the USER 1 key is pressed for the second time. Threepossible actions can be performed from this state within 30 seconds as per items (1), (2)and (3) below:(1)USER 2 OFF/ONTo Close BKR1-(Name)If the USER 2 key is pressed, this message appears for 20 seconds. If the USER 2 key ispressed again within that time, a signal is created that can be programmed to operate anoutput relay to close breaker 1.(2)USER 3 OFF/ONTo Open BKR1-(Name)If the USER 3 key is pressed, this message appears for 20 seconds. If the USER 3 key ispressed again within that time, a signal is created that can be programmed to operate anoutput relay to open breaker 1.(3)BKR2-(Name) SELECTEDUSER 2=CLS/USER 3=OPIf the USER 1 key is pressed at this step, this message appears showing that a differentbreaker is selected. Three possible actions can be performed from this state as per (1),(2) and (3). Repeatedly pressing the USER 1 key alternates between available breakers.Pressing keys other than USER 1, 2 or 3 at any time aborts the breaker control function.