-40-NOTEThe element should be damp but not dripping.- Once it has stopped dripping, place it in a bath of the special oil.We may avoid the use of a bath and soak the filter in the same liquid,the result is the same. Apply sponge air filter oil to the element. Ifthere is no air filter oil available then use engine oil.- Also clean the cover with a humid cloth as well as the filter housing.- Make sure all the corners are clean before putting all the partsback in the filter housing.- Grease all of the connections and inlets of the air filter.- Place the filter in the cage and cover the filter lip with a thick layerof grease to ensure the correct seal and to prevent dirt from enteringthe carburettor.- Fit the air filter correctly to the QUAD.CAUTIONNever allow the engine to run without the filter element installed.Otherwise non-filtered air would enter the engine and it may resultin wear and possibly breakdown. On the other hand, using the enginewithout the filter element may cause blockage in the carburettorconduits decreasing the engine performance and probably causingthe engine to overheat.SPARK PLUG MAINTENANCEThe spark plug is an important part of the engine and it is easy toinspect. The state of the plug may indicate the condition of theengine.Standard spark plug: NGKBR8EG QN86 0.7 - 0.8 mmThe plug must beperiodicallyremoved to checkthe gap and theceramic insulation.- It is located on the cylinder head. Extract the spark plug hood (A)and loosen the plug (B) a little anti-clockwise.- Once the spark plug is loosened then finish removing it by hand.(B)(A)