45TECHNICAL INFORMATECHNICAL INFORMATECHNICAL INFORMATECHNICAL INFORMATECHNICAL INFORMATION 13TION 13TION 13TION 13TION 1313-2 Boiler Output OptionsTCELES TCELES TCELES TCELES TCELES 56/04S 56/04S 56/04S 56/04S 56/04S 08/06S 08/06S 08/06S 08/06S 08/06S 59/08S 59/08S 59/08S 59/08S 59/08S 021/09S 021/09S 021/09S 021/09S 021/09S 051/001S 051/001S 051/001S 051/001S 051/001S 091/041S 091/041S 091/041S 091/041S 091/041S 042/091S 042/091S 042/091S 042/091S 042/091S 072/042S 072/042S 072/042S 072/042S 072/042SNOITPO NOITPO NOITPO NOITPO NOITPO 56/04O 56/04O 56/04O 56/04O 56/04O 08/06O 08/06O 08/06O 08/06O 08/06O 59/08O 59/08O 59/08O 59/08O 59/08O 021/09O 021/09O 021/09O 021/09O 021/09O 051/001O 051/001O 051/001O 051/001O 051/001O 091/041O 091/041O 091/041O 091/041O 091/041O 042/091O 042/091O 042/091O 042/091O 042/091O 072/042O 072/042O 072/042O 072/042O 072/042OTUPTUO h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x WktuptuOmuminiM 04 7.11 26 2.81 08 4.32 09 4.62 001 3.92 041 14 091 7.55 042 3.07tuptuOmumixaM 56 91 08 4.32 59 8.72 021 2.53 051 6.14 391 5.65 042 3.07 003 8.78tuptuOteSyrotcaF 25 2.51 07 6.02 58 9.42 011 2.23 021 2.53 071 8.94 022 4.46 072 1.97renruBmalfocE 1roniMro xaM xaM xaM xaM xaM1roniMro xaM xaM xaM xaM xaM1roniMro xaM xaM xaM xaM xaM4roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM4roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM8roniMro 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM21roniMro 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM21roniMro 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaM 21xaMLLAW LLAW LLAW LLAW LLAWDETNUOM DETNUOM DETNUOM DETNUOM DETNUOMI05/04W I05/04W I05/04W I05/04W I05/04W E05/04W E05/04W E05/04W E05/04W E05/04W I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W E08/05W E08/05W E08/05W E08/05W E08/05Wh/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x Wk h/utB0001x WktuptuOmuminiM 04 7.11 04 7.11 05 41 05 41tuptuOmumixaM 05 41 05 41 08 4.32 08 4.32tuptuOteSyrotcaF 05 41 05 41 56 91 56 91renruBmalfocE '003'1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM'003'1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM13-3 Burner Setting DataThe following Burner settings given for all Option, Select and Wall Mounted Boilers arefor Kerosene 28 Second Class C fuel.For 35 Second Class D Gas Oil the following changes are required.1. Fit Burner pre-heater.2. Raise pump pressure to 9.7-10.3 bar (140-150 psi).3. Lower nozzle size by 2 sizes.WWWWWall Mounted Boilers arall Mounted Boilers arall Mounted Boilers arall Mounted Boilers arall Mounted Boilers are not suitable for 35 Second Class D Gas Oil.e not suitable for 35 Second Class D Gas Oil.e not suitable for 35 Second Class D Gas Oil.e not suitable for 35 Second Class D Gas Oil.e not suitable for 35 Second Class D Gas Oil.13-3.1 Wall Mounted Internal & External Factory SettingledoM ledoM ledoM ledoM ledoMLANRETNI LANRETNI LANRETNI LANRETNI LANRETNImalfocE malfocE malfocE malfocE malfocEepyTrenruB epyTrenruB epyTrenruB epyTrenruB epyTrenruBtuptuO tuptuO tuptuO tuptuO tuptuOelzzoN elzzoN elzzoN elzzoN elzzoNssofnaD ssofnaD ssofnaD ssofnaD ssofnaDHepyT HepyT HepyT HepyT HepyTliOrenruB liOrenruB liOrenruB liOrenruB liOrenruBerusserP erusserP erusserP erusserP erusserPSSSSS 84egapeegniriF gniriF gniriF gniriF gniriFetaR etaR etaR etaR etaR.xorppA .xorppA .xorppA .xorppA .xorppAriA.bmoC riA.bmoC riA.bmoC riA.bmoC riA.bmoCgnitteS gnitteS gnitteS gnitteS gnitteSOCOCOCOC OC 22222saGeulF saGeulF saGeulF saGeulF saGeulF.pmeT .pmeT .pmeT .pmeT .pmeT foepyT foepyT foepyT foepyT foepyTebuTtsalB ebuTtsalB ebuTtsalB ebuTtsalB ebuTtsalBh/utB0001x Wk epyT&eziSHPG/SU isp rab h/sertilno.oNriAelacS74.peeS% sseLC°tneibmAI05/04W I05/04W I05/04W I05/04W I05/04W 003'1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM04 7.11 °08/4.0 001 9.6 62.1 5.2 ylno'003'1roniM 11-01 59167505 7.41 °08/4.0 011 9.6 56.1 3 ylno'003'1roniM 11-01 502I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W I08/05W 003'1roniMro 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM 1xaM05 7.41 °06/5.0 001 9.6 56.1 6 ylno'003'1roniM 11-01 58167556 91 °06/6.0 021 3.8 21.2 7 ylno'003'1roniM 11-01 09108 4.32 °06/57.0 011 6.7 95.2 9 ylno'003'1roniM 11-01 022FactorySettingMAERTSIBMOC MAERTSIBMOC MAERTSIBMOC MAERTSIBMOC MAERTSIBMOCI56IBMOC I56IBMOC I56IBMOC I56IBMOC I56IBMOCE56IBMOC E56IBMOC E56IBMOC E56IBMOC E56IBMOC56/04C 56/04C 56/04C 56/04C 56/04Ch/utB0001x WkmuminiMtuptuO 04 7.11mumixaMtuptuO 56 91tuptuOteSyrotcaF 56 91renruBmalfocE 1roniMxaMro1313131313