104-1 ComplianceINSTINSTINSTINSTINSTALLAALLAALLAALLAALLATION GENERAL 4TION GENERAL 4TION GENERAL 4TION GENERAL 4TION GENERAL 4The Boiler and heating system must be installed to comply with the latest BuildingRegulations, British Standards and OFTEC recommendations, refer to the Appendix at theback of this book.4-1.1 System ControlsIMPORTANTIt is recommended that the Boiler is installed so that the system controlsprevent the Burner firing unless there is demand for heat from a room orcylinder thermostat.When thermally operated or motorised valves are fitted to the system and can stopadequate flow of water through the Boiler provision MUST be made tosimultaneoussly switch off the electricity supply to the oil burner.4-2 Siting and Positioning the Boiler4-2.1 Noise LevelsQuiet operation is a design feature of Thermecon Boilers making them ideal for kitchenand utility room installations. However, consideration should be given to the noise levelsof the Boiler and the following:-1. Sound levels must be discussed with the householder as some individuals areparticularly sensitive to even low levels of noise.2. The type and position of the chimney may affect noise levels.3. Noise from balanced flues facing neighbouring properties should be considered.4. Draught stabilisers (when fitted) may affect the noise levels.5. Sound levels in small rooms may appear more intrusive than the same soundpressure in a larger room.6. Some building materials can tend to amplify the sound from Wall Mounted Boilers,using battens to space the Boiler off the wall may reduce this effect.4-2.2 The Hearth - Floor StandingThe hearth temperature of Select and Option Boilers is less than 85°C. A suitable levelhearth, which is impervious to kerosine, must be provided.Where the Boiler is to stand on a floor of combustible material then protection betweenthe Boiler and the floor should be provided by means of non-combustible material.The floor must give adequate support to the filled Boiler. Consult the BuildingRegulations for safe floor loadings.4-2.3 Frost ProtectionThe Boiler and the central heating system must be protected from frost.External Free Standing Boilers have a frost thermostat fitted as standard, this must becorrectly wired to provide frost protection - see wiring diagrams Section 13.All Boilers installed in outhouses or where conditions of frost could arise must beprotected by a frost protection arrangement that will fire the Burner when the temperaturefalls below 4°C.A suitable antifreeze must also be used in applications where freezing can occur andshould be considered for all systems.4-2.4 Rodent IntrusionBoilers installed in situations where rodent intrusion is possible, all pipe/cable entryholes of the Boiler must be covered, after installation, to prevent rodents entering theBoiler casing.NoteFor Boiler Weight see Section 13.44444