These instructions provide details on using the FPCCC48Harsh Environment Case (HEC). This HEC is designed foruse with your Stylistic ST5000 Tablet PC. The HEC providesmaximum protection against water, dust, and other hazardswhen transporting, using, or storing your Tablet PC.We strongly recommend that you read these instructionsprior to using the HEC with your computer.Note the following when using the HEC:• To avoid overheating, suspend the Tablet PC whencharging the battery pack while the system is in the caseand not in use.• To prevent scratches, a screen protector should beinstalled on the display window of the HEC. Two screenprotectors are provided with the HEC. Additional screenprotectors can be obtained from your reseller, or fromthe Fujitsu Web site at:• If you use the Tablet PC both with and without the HEC,a screen protector can be left in place on the system. Ifthe system will be used only in the HEC, remove thescreen protector from the system for better viewing.I N S T R U C T I O N SHarsh Environment CaseUser’s GuideFPCCC48F u j i t s u C o m p u t e r S y s t e m s