The RG (RING) TONE button controls theringing tone of the telephone. There are threetypes of patterns that can be set: low, medium(default), and high. This button is valid only inringing state. In order to change the ringer,adjust the button while a call is ringing at yourextension.UP Button The UP button increases the volume of thehandset, the speaker, and the ringer. It alsoincreases the LCD contrast. See Table 1 formore informationThe DOWN button decreases the volume of theandset, the speaker, and the ringer. It alsodecreases the LCD contrast. See Table 1 formore information.Table 1. Volwne and Contrast ControkThe CT-10 and CT-20 models have fifteen programmable line and/orfeature buttons. The CT-36 has twenty-seven programmable buttons.These buttons have two-color lamps. See Table 2, Visual Indicators, forfurther information.Each programmable line and/or feature button can be assigned toaccess a specific line or feature. Programming is accomplished byassigning a particular feature code to one of these buttons.