Contents/Precautions19Instructions for using the adapterCharge the battery in an area within the proper ambienttemperature range (5-35 ).Do not charge the battery in the areas below.- In areas of excessive humidity, dust or vibrations- Near land-line phones or TV/radioIt is normal for the adapter to become hot while charging.Continue to use it.When using the DC adapter for charging, keep the vehicleengine running.- The vehicle's battery could become flat.When using an outlet with a mechanism preventingunplugging, follow the handling instructions for that outlet.Do not give strong shock. Do not deform the chargingterminal.- May cause malfunction.docomo nano UIM cardDo not use excessive force to install/remove docomo nanoUIM card.Note that DOCOMO assumes no responsibility formalfunctions occurring as the result of inserting and usingdocomo nano UIM card with another IC card reader/writer.Always keep UIM ICs clean.Clean the terminal with a dry soft cloth (such as a cloth foreyeglasses).Maintain a separate record of the data you saved in docomonano UIM card.- If the data is deleted, DOCOMO assumes no responsibilityfor the loss of any data.Take an expended docomo nano UIM card to a sales outletsuch as a docomo Shop for proper disposal in order toprotect the environment.Take care not to scratch, touch accidentally or short IC.- May cause data loss or malfunction.Do not drop a docomo nano UIM card or subject it toimpact.- May cause malfunction.Do not bend a docomo nano UIM card or place a heavyobject on it.- May cause malfunction.Do not install docomo nano UIM card into the terminal witha label or sticker put on.- May cause malfunction.