174Basics Try Using ATLASBasics10 Using the Translation MemoryThe translation memory stores text pairs consisting of original and translatedtext in a database. Using the accumulated translation results in combinationwith automatic translation can improve translation efficiency.You can register translation memory items in Translation Memory and searchand edit the data in the [Translation Memory] window.In accordance with the specified match value, this function extracts storedtranslation memory items and displays the results in the Translation Memorywindow.` An overview of the translation memory and its mechanism are explained in " UtilizingTranslation Memory [Translation Memory]" in "Introduction", on page 29. Refer to that page aswell.Store Translation Memory DataCan be accessed from:Search/Edit Translation Memory DataTranslationMemoryTranslationMemoryStoreStartSearch/Edit.tra.txtTranslation Editor* 1Mail Translation* 1Clipboard TranslationQuick ATLAS (Mouse Translation,Automatic Clipboard Translation)Acrobat TranslationAdobe Reader Translation* 2WordTranslation (at the time of Step Translation)Translation EditorExcelText FileTranslation Memory(In the windowTranslation Memory(Another window)Text Alignment Support Tool* 1 Only Translation Memory (Another window).* 2 Only Translation Memory (In the window).