212Copyright© 2013-2015 Fujitsu General Limited. All rights reserved.VRF ExplorerOperationThe currently set electricity meter system and the indoor, outdoor, and RB units registered under it will be displayed hierarchically.Tree view of the units installed at the site. Displayed in the order of outdoor unit → RB unit → indoor unit.By pressing the [Add] button, the indoor, outdoor, and RB units selected at will be added to theelectricity meter system of the selection position of .By pressing the [Remove] button, the indoor, outdoor, and RB units selected at5 will be removed .All the electricity meter system data will be displayed in the data list and at electricity meter system selection (multiple selection is possible) by left side tree, the background color of the selected electric-ity meters will be changed.By pressing the [OK] button, the set electricity meter system and indoor, outdoor, and RB units will be saved and ends setting.By pressing the [Cancel] button, if there is data being edited, it will be discarded and ends setting.An icon will be assigned to the indoor, outdoor, and RB units of the right side tree and will be made ref- erence at registration.When none or more than one electricity meter systems are selected,shows V-II/V-III/VR-II/J-II/J-IIS series units (including UTY-VGGXZ1) thatare not registered to any meter.When one electricity meter system is selected, shows units that can beregistered at the selected meter.[Add] button can also be selected.When none or more than one electricity meter systems are selected,shows units registered to any meter.When one electricity meter system is selected, shows units registered tothe selected electricity meter system.When one electricity meter system is selected, shows units registered tothe other meter systems.When an electricity meter system is selected,shows units that cannot beregistered to the selected meter,depending on type (whether or not theunit has an energy-saving function).Units that are not assumed to be registered to a electricity meter system.S/V Series units, etc.UTY-VGGXZ1 :The V-II/V-III/VR-II/J-II/J-IIS series network converter