U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 5 0 0 S e r i e sL i f e B o o k ™ 5 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u ™47their infrared ports are directly facing eachother without obstructions. A distance of 6" to36" between the device ports is ideal. Dirt orscratches on the lens of the MediaConnector the other device will degrade performance.This is especially true for Fast IrDA applicationssuch as a transfer to an Ethernet. Before you canuse the Infrared Communication Port, you mustset it up in the Advanced Menu, PeripheralConfiguration submenu, in the BIOS setuputility. Since your notebook supports bothIrDA 1.0 (115 Kbps) and IrDA 1.1 (4 Mbps)transfers you must select the standard which iscompatible with the other device in the trans-fer. (See the BIOS Setup Utility on pages 67–70for more information.) The infrared port is onyour MediaConnect, which must be installedaccording to the instructions on pages 102–104.(Figure 1-3 on page 3 and 1-12 on page 10 showsthe MediaConnect, Figure 1-8 on page 6 shows theMediaConnect port, Figure 1-12 shows the loca-tion of the infrared port on the MediaConnect.)LapLink software can be used for Infraredfile transfers. See your online help formore information.C A U T I O NDo not move either device duringcommunication as it may interruptdata transmission.C A U T I O NBe careful not to scratch the infrared portlens on the MediaConnect. Scratches,dirt or other surface marks caneffect operation.The following conditions may interfere withinfrared communications:n When the infrared communication portsare not directly facing each other, or someobstacle is between them.n When the infrared communication portsare too far apart.n When a television or radio remote controlunit, or a wireless headphone is beingused nearby.n When a strong light such as direct sunlight,fluorescent light, or incandescent lightshines on the port.PRE-INSTALLED SOFTWAREYour LifeBook™ 500 Series comes with pre-installed software for playing audio and videofiles of various formats. In addition there is filetransfer software, telephony software and virusprotection software. Some models come withadditional application software.All of the pre-installed software can be accessedfrom the Program folder of the Windows 95Start menu. If you aren’t sure what software ispre-installed check the Program folder. If youneed assistance with an individual applicationuse their online help.C A U T I O NIf you have a LifeBook 565Tx you must clickon the Click on Me First icon when yousetup your notebook for the first time oryour pre-installed application software maynot operate correctly.