COPYRIGHTFujitsu PC Corporation has made every effort toensure the accuracy and completeness of this document.However, as ongoing development efforts are continuallyimproving the capabilities of our products, we cannotguarantee the accuracy of the contents of this document.We disclaim liability for errors, omissions, orfuture changes.Fujitsu and the Fujitsu logo are registered trademarks,and LifeBook is a trademark of Fujitsu Limited.Built for Humans and ErgoTrac are trademarks ofFujitsu PC Corporation.The following are registered trademarks ofIBM Corporation:IBM, IBM PC AT, IBM PS/2.The following are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation: MS,MS-DOS, Windows 95.PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal ComputerMemory Card International Association.Phoenix and the Phoenix logo are registered trademarksof Phoenix Technologies,Ltd.Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks andMMX technology is a trademark of Intel Corporation.PC-Doctor is a trademark of is a registered trademark ofCompCore Multimedia Inc.LapLink is a registered trademark ofTraveling Software Inc.AudioRack is a registered trademark ofESS Technology, Inc.VirusScan is a registered trademark ofMcAfee Associates Inc.MegaPhone is a registered trademark ofAVEO, Inc.All other trademarks mentioned herein are the propertyof their respective owners.We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the contents of thisdocument. We disclaim liability for errors, omissions,or future changes.© Copyright 1997 Fujitsu PC Corporation. All rightsreserved. No part of this publication may be copied,reproduced, or translated, without prior written consentof Fujitsu PC Corporation. No part of this publicationmay be stored or transmitted in any electronic formwithout the written consent of Fujitsu PC Corporation.DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYaccording to FCC Part 15Responsible Party Name: Fujitsu PC CorporationAddress: 598 Gibraltar DriveMilpitas, CA 95035Telephone: (408) 935-8800Declares that product: Model: LifeBook 690Tx.Complies with Part 15of the FCC Rules.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operations is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device must not be allowed to cause harmfulinterference, (2) This device must accept any inter-ference received ,i n cluding interference that may causeundesired operation.David Woo Fujitsu 4/17/98