Use & Care ManualModel COGB ENGLISH9CookwareIMPORTANT: Never leave empty cookware on a hotsurface cooking area, element or surface burner.Ideal cookware should have a flat bottom, straightsides, a well fitting lid and the material should be ofmedium-to-heavy thickness. Rough finishes mayscratch the cooktop.Aluminium and copper may be used as a core or basein cookware. However, when used as a base it canleave permanent marks on the cooktop or grates.Cookware material is a factor in how quickly andevenly heat is transferred, which affects cookingresults. A nonstick finish has the same characteristicsas its base material.For example, aluminium cookware with a non-stickfinish will take on the properties of aluminium.Use the following chart as a guide for cookwarematerial characteristics.Cookware CharacteristicsAluminum: Heats quickly and evenly.Suitable for all types of cooking. Medium or heavythickness is best for most cooking tasks.Cast Iron: Heats slowly and evenly.Good for browning and frying. Maintains heat for slowcooking.Ceramic or Ceramic glass: Follow manufacturer'sinstructions.Heats slowly, but unevenly. Ideal results on low tomedium heat settings.Copper: Heats very quickly and evenly.Earthenware: Follow manufacturer's instructions.Use on low heat settings.Porcelain enamel on steel or cast Iron: Seestainless steel or cast iron.Stainless steel: Heats quickly, but unevenly.A core or base of aluminium or copper on stainlesssteel provides even heating.Match Pan Diameter to Flame SizeThe flame should be the same size as the bottom ofthe pan or smaller. Do not use small pans with highflame settings as the flames can lick up the sides ofthe pan. Oversize pans that span two burners areplaced front to rear, not side to side.Use Balanced PansPans must sit level on the cooktop grate withoutrocking. Center pan over burner.Use a Lid That Fits ProperlyA well-fitting lid helps shorten the cooking time. Flat,heavy bottom pans provide even heat and stability.005BALANCED PANUNBALANCED PANCONVEX(ROUNDED)CONCAVE(HOLLOW)FLAME TOO LARGEFOR PAN SIZEUSE LIDS THATFIT PROPERLY