16. TroubleshootingProblem Possible cause SolutionNavigation device doesnot start up Battery capacity too lowConnect the device to a suitable powersource or replace the batteries.If the device is not being used for aprolonged period, please switch it offentirely. Press the power button and tapon "Switch off".No GPS reception / GPSreception is interruptedGPS reception may be interfered with inforests, when you are surrounded by tallbuildings, where there is heavy cloudcover etc.Reposition the navigation device ifnecessary. At least 4 satellites arerequired for navigation. This informationcan be retrieved on the device under"Settings" > "System / General" > "GPSInfo".Device no longerresponds to entries Occasionally, overloading may result inthe device no longer respondingCarry out a hard reset by holding downthe power button for around 3 seconds.The device then switches off entirely.The compass should be regularlycalibrated Recalibrate the compass.Compass does not alignitself correctlyThere are sources of interference in theimmediate vicinityMake sure that there are no sources ofinterference such as magnets or high-voltage power lines close by.Barometer values arenot correctThe barometer should be regularlycalibratedWhen there are breaks in the weather oryou experience great gains or losses ofaltitude, you should calibrate thebarometer several times a day.The destination you aresearching for cannot beenteredThe corresponding country map may notbe availablePlease check whether the correspondingdetailed map is included with the productor is already preinstalled. Please use theNavi-Manager for any possibleinstallation that may be required.The track includesjumps in altitudeThe barometer was not calibrated priorto the start of the track recording.It is recommended that you calibrate thebarometer manually, by entering analtitude, in particular before recording atrack.Falk IBEX User Manual 65