14.5 Import of POIsOn Falk.de, Google Earth and lots of other websites a large number of points of interest(POIs) are available for you to download. If these POIs exist in a KML or KMZ format, youcan transfer them to your navigation device via the KML import plugin of the Navi-Manager.Visit the corresponding website from which you want to download the KML files, e.g.www.falk.de.KML files from falk.deOn www.falk.de. you enter on the entry menu (top left) an address within whosesurroundings you would like to search for POIs. On the right next to this entry area, you canselect a theme for the search, e.g. restaurant, cinema etc.To complete your entries, you confirm them with the button "display". Below the entry areayou will see a dropdown list of POIs. In addition, you will see a map display with the POIsmarked on it.To select the POI which you want to transfer to your navigation device, click directly on themap on the corresponding POI or select is by clicking on it from the dropdown list. After aPOI has been selected, an info window for the POI appears.Now select the Tool button. A list will open up. Now select Save and For my Falk Navi.The POI is saved as a KML file on your PC.KMZ/KML files from Google EarthYou will also find lots of interesting POIs on Google Earth. The following section describeshow you can incorporate several POIs as a new POI category.Note: Falk has no influence over functions of Google Earth which are described in theinstructions. There may therefore be changes to the sequence which is described.Start the program Google Earth.Enter a city and a subject theme in the search box at the top left (e.g. "Stuttgart" and"„Museums").Selection of the POIs which are to be adopted:You can adopt blocks of POIs by using the umbrella term (e.g. "Museums (1 – 10)") byclicking on the right mouse button and then selecting the menu item "Save under "MyPlaces"".You can adopt individual POIs by clicking on the right mouse button and then selecting themenu item "Save under "My Places"".The selected POIs are displayed under "My Places".Further POIs, including those from other cities, can now also be added to "My Places" in themanner described above.Click on the "My Places" item with the right mouse button and select the menu item "SaveAs". The file can now be saved on the PC as a KMZ file.Falk IBEX User Manual 61