EPSON Stylus COLOR 900/900NChapter 3 Troubleshooting743.1.1.5 Remedies for a Fatal ErrorFatal errors can be caused by defective motors and non-responsivesensors. Check for problems in the order listed below to troubleshoot afatal error.NOTE: If you answer “Yes” to a question listed under “Problem,” takethe action described to the right under “Solution.” If “No,”proceed to the next step.Table 3-12. Remedies for a Fatal ErrorTable 3-13. Remedies for a Fatal ErrorStep Problem Solution1 Has the CRHPsensor come off theprinter mechanismframe?Is the connector forthe CRHP sensordisconnected?Check the CRHP sensor visually. Connect theconnector properly. Make sure the connector isconnected to the indicated position on the relayboard. Also, check that there is no dust or paperdebris in the sensor.2 Has the encoder beltcome off?Referring to step 2 in Table 3-6 on page 69, checkthat the encoder belt passes through the slot in thesensor. Also check that the sensor is free from dustand paper debris.M/CM/CCRHPEASFREDWHTBLKM/CConnector1Connector2MechanismFrameStep Problem Solution3 Has the ASF sensorcome off?Is the ASF sensordisconnected?Referring to the figure below, check that the ASFsensor is attached correctly.Check that both connectors 1 and 2 are securelyconnected.4 Has a coil in the CRmotor burned out?Measure each coil’s resistance using a meter asshown below.Resistance: 5.8 Ω ± 10%Note: Besure tomeasure theresistance ateach pair ofpointsshown atright.5 Has a coil in the PFmotor burned out?Measure the internal coil resistance of the PF motorin the same manner as for the CR motor.Resistance: 8.1 Ω ± 10%M/CM/CCRHPEASFREDWHTBLKM/CASFSensorASFFrame(Left)Connector1Connector2ToPin1ToPin3Step1Step2ToPin2ToPin4CRMotor