I/ F (interfa ce) modeThe printer has space for one optional interface in ad dition to itsbuilt-in parallel interface. You can choose autom atic, parallel, oroptional for the interface mode. When you select auto, the printerautom atically selects the interface that is receiving d ata, and usesthat interface until the end of the print job. This auto interfaceallow s you to share the printer am ong multiple com puters w ithoutm aking changes.When you connect one com puter to the printer, you can selectthe parallel or optional interface accord ing to the interface yourcom puter requires.Auto I/ F (interface) wait timeThe printer d eterm ines w hich interface is receiving d ata andsw itches to that interface until the end of the print job (w hen nod ata is received from the selected interface for the amount of timespecified ). You can specify either 10 second s or 30 seconds.Softwa reWhen you select ESC/ P 2, the printer operates in the EPSONESC/ P 2 m od e. When you select IBM the printer em ulates anIBM printer.Character ta bleYour printer has 11 stand ard character tables as w ell as tablesfor 20 other countries. See Appendix B for character sam ples.Internationa l cha ra cter set for Ita lic tableYou can change eight characters in the Italic character table to suityour printing needs. Since these characters are often used in otherlanguages, they are nam ed after countries and are referred to asinternational character sets. See Appendix B for character sam ples.4-12 Using the Control Panel