The printout has extra blank lines betw een lines of text.Cause What to doTw o line feed com mands arebeing sent at the end of eachline of text.Turn off the auto line feed option inthe default-setting m od e or the EPSONRemote! utility. See “Using theDefault-Setting Mod e” in Chapter 4,or “Using the EPSON Remote! p rinterutility” in Chapter 2.The line space setting in yourapplication softw are isincorrect.Ad just the line space setting in yourapplication softw are.The length of the printing on the page does not match yourpaper length.Cause What to doThe paper size setting in yourapplication or the printerdriver m ay not match the sizeof the paper you are using.Check the paper size setting in yourapplication or the printer driver.The printer’s page lengthsetting may not m atch thesize of the paper you areusing.Check the “Page length for tractor”setting using the printer’sd efau lt-setting m od e or the EPSONRemote! utility. See “Using theDefault-Setting Mod e” in Chapter 4,or “Using the EPSON Remote! p rinterutility” in Chapter 2.7-22 Troubleshooting