314. Select Specify a location, ifnecessary, and click Browse.5. Browse to EPSON\ Win98 on yourCD-ROM drive. (The example tothe right uses “E” as the CD-ROMdrive letter. Your CD-ROM driveletter may be different.) Click OK toclose the Browse window, and thenclick Next.6. Follow the instructions on the screen.7. When you see the EPSON Screen Calibration Utility,move the slider right or left until the stripes match asclosely as possible. Then click OK.8. Click Finish when you see a message that installationis complete.Continue with the instructions in the next section,“Installing Other Software on Your Scanning ToolsCD-ROM.”The EPSON Screen Calibration Utility calibrates the previewimage you see in your EPSON TWAIN Pro driver to matchyour monitor settings.You won’t need to change the screen calibration as long asyou continue to use the same display. If you need torecalibrate your screen at a later time, double-click theScanners and Cameras icon in your Windows Control Panel toopen the Scanners and Cameras Properties window. On theDevices tab, select EPSON Expression 1640XL and click theProperties button to display the EPSON Expression 1640XLProperties window. Click the Utility tab, and then click theScreen Calibration Utility button.