Software Problems 29Software ProblemsThe scanner software doesn’t workproperly. Make sure your computer meetsthe system requirements listedon page 35 or page 36 andsupports the softwareapplications you’re using. Check if your computer hasenough memory for yoursoftware. If you’re running othersoftware at the same time, thecomputer may not have enoughmemory. (See your software andcomputer manuals.) Try closingany open applications, includingscreen savers and virus protectionprograms.If you are scanning a large imageor scanning at a high resolution,your computer may not haveenough memory to process theimage. Check your software installation.If all else fails, uninstall yoursoftware, then reinstall it.Image ProblemsYour scanned image is blurred ordistorted. Check the position andcondition of your document.Make sure the document isplaced flat against the scanner’sdocument table glass. If only partof the image is blurred, part ofyour document may be wrinkledor warped. Try scanning at a higherresolution. See page 18 forrecommended settings. Make sure the document tableglass is clean. See your electronicReference Guide for details. Make sure the scanner is nottilted or placed on an unstable oruneven surface.