The following sections discuss the basics of creating and usingdirectories.Note:The XTREE utility provides a simple way to see and organizeyour directories. See the description of XTREE later in thischapter.The Default DirectoryMS-DOS always recognizes one directory as the &fault orcurrent directory, just as it always recognizes one drive as thedefault drive. The default directory is the one in whichMS-DOS performs your commands, unless you tell it to dootherwise. If you want to run a program or access a data filethat is not stored in the default directory, you can eitherchange directories (malting a different directory the default) orinclude a pathname in your command.Changing the Default DirectoryTo change from one directory to another, use the CHDIRcommand, or its shorthand equivalent, CD. For example, tochange to the root directory of the default drive from anywherein the directory tree, type the following and press Enter:CHDIR \If you are in the WORDPROC directory and you want tochange to PERSONAL, a subdirectory of WORDPROC, typethe following and press Enter:CD PERSONALUsing MS-DOS With Your Computer 3-17