32refrigerator lamp starts to flash. Makesure after closing that the doors are fullysealed. The self-closing hinges assist this.■ The cooling time for beverages and otherproducts can take up to 6 hours fromroom temperature down to the refrigera-tor temperature. The warmer they arewhen put in, the longer this time will be.■ Re-setting the temperature control hasno effect on the cooling rate, only onthe temperature reached.■ Allow warm or really hot products cooldown outside the refrigerator.■ Condensation can form on the glassshelves if products are stored which emitwater vapour.■ As the electronic control in the refrigera-tor only defrosts about once per day, theice formation on the rear wall in the ref-rigerator itself can be more marked thanis usual in previous refrigerators.■ Be careful that products do not comeinto contact with the rear wall of the ref-rigerator so that they do not freeze to itand that, during defrosting, water doesnot get diverted into the refrigerator.■ Take the temperature only in containerswith liquids; never measure the air tem-perature.■ When filling be careful that:– Oil and fats do not come into contactwith the polymer parts and the doorseals.– The coldest locations in the refrigera-tor for any setting of the temperaturecontroller are at the back wall andabove the lowest shelf. Sensitive pro-ducts should therefore be put on thelowest shelf.– To avoid possible warming of the pro-ducts, keep them clear of the lamp.this will also guarantee sufficient ven-tilation for the lamp.■ Example of how to use:– Freeze and store foodstuffs and makeice in the freezer compartment.– On the shelves from top to bottom:baked products, ready-made meals,dairy products, meat and sausages.– In the suspended trays from top tobottom: butter and cheese, tubes,small cans and eggs, large bottles.– In the vegetable compartment:vegetables, fruit and salad.Changing the light bulbA defective bulb must be replaced at once.■ Switch off the power supply. Remove theplug or trip the circuit breakers.■ Pull off the lamp protection cover fromthe side (fig. (). When fitting the newlight bulb, you will need to reassemblethe existing o-ring (fig. (a). Unscrew thebulb and replace with a new item.(( a