• The appliance can be installed separately or combined only with otherappliances of the same range.• The appliances are not suitable for recess-mounting. Leave a space ofat least 100 mm between the appliance and side walls and 100 mmfrom the rear wall, or in any case an adequate space to enablesubsequent servicing or maintenance operations.• Suitably insulate surfaces that are at distances less than that indicated.• Maintain a distance of at least 250 mm between the appliance and anycombustible walls. Do not store or use flammable materials and liquidsnear the appliance.• Check and, if necessary, level the appliance after positioning. Incorrectlevelling can cause appliance malfunctioning.• Wear protective gloves and unpack the machine, carrying out thefollowing operations:– cut the straps and remove the protective film, taking care not toscratch the surface if scissors or blades are used;– remove the cardboard top, the polystyrene corners and the verticalprotection pieces;– for appliances with stainless steel cabinet, remove the protectivefilm very slowly without tearing it, to avoid leaving glue stuck to thesurface;– should this happen, remove the traces of glue with a non-corrosivesolvent, rinsing it off and drying thoroughly;– go over all stainless steel surfaces vigorously with a cloth moistenedwith paraffin oil in order to create a protective film.• In case of permanent connection: the device lockable in the openposition must be accessible even after the appliance is installed in itsplace.AA..1100 RReeaassoonnaabbllyy ffoorreesseeeeaabbllee iimmpprrooppeerr uusseeImproper use is any use different from that specified in this manual.During machine operation, other types of work or activities deemedimproper and that in general can involve risks for the safety of operatorsand damage to the appliance are not allowed. Reasonably foreseeableimproper use includes:• lack of machine maintenance, cleaning and periodical checks;• structural changes or modifications to the operating logic;• tampering with the guards or safety devices;• failure to use personal protection equipment by operators, specialisedpersonnel and maintenance personnel;11