AA..22 PPeerrssoonnaall pprrootteeccttiioonn eeqquuiippmmeennttSSuummmmaarryy ttaabbllee ooff tthhee PPeerrssoonnaall PPrrootteeccttiioonn EEqquuiippmmeenntt ((PPPPEE)) ttoo bbee uusseedd dduurriinngg tthhee vvaarriioouuss ssttaaggeess ooff tthhee mmaacchhiinnee''ss sseerrvviicceelliiffee..SSttaaggee PPrrootteeccttiivveeggaarrmmeennttssSSaaffeettyy ffoooottwweeaarr GGlloovveess GGllaasssseess SSaaffeettyy hheellmmeettTransport — ● ○ — ○Handling — ● ○ — —Unpacking — ● ○ — —Installation — ● ○ — —Normal use ● ● ●1 — —Adjustments ○ ● — — —Routine cleaning ○ ● ○ ○ —Extraordinarycleaning ○ ● ○ ○ —Maintenance ○ ● ○ — —Dismantling ○ ● ○ ○ —Scrapping ○ ● ○ ○ —KKeeyy::● PPPPEE RREEQQUUIIRREEDD○ PPPPEE AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE OORR TTOO BBEE UUSSEEDD IIFF NNEECCEESSSSAARRYY— PPPPEE NNOOTT RREEQQUUIIRREEDD1. During Normal use, gloves must be heatproof to protect hands from contact with hot food or hot parts of the appliance and/or when removing hot items from it.Failure to use the personal protection equipment by operators, specialised personnel or users can involve exposure to chemical risk and possible damage tohealth (depending on the model).AA..33 GGeenneerraall ssaaffeettyy• The machines are provided with electric and/or mechanical safetydevices for protecting workers and the machine itself. Therefore theuser must not remove or tamper with such devices. The Manufacturerdeclines any liability for damage due to tampering or their non-use.• Never operate the machine, removing, modifying or tampering with theguards, protection or safety devices.• Do not make any modifications to the parts supplied with the appliance.• Several illustrations in the manual show the machine, or parts of it,without guards or with guards removed. This is purely for explanatorypurposes. Do not use the machine without the guards or with theprotection devices deactivated.• Do not remove, tamper with or make illegible the safety, danger andinstruction signs and labels on the machine.• Air recirculation must take into account the air necessary forcombustion, 2 m³/h/kW of gas power, and also the "well-being" ofpersons working in the kitchen.• Inadequate ventilation causes asphyxia. Do not obstruct the ventilationsystem in the place where this appliance is installed. Do not obstructthe vents or ducts of this or other appliances.• Place emergency telephone numbers in a visible position.6