24Water TreatmentWater Treatment SystemCity Water SupplyPressureReliefValveHot Water to FixturesShutoff ValveDrainCold to WaterHeaterOptional SedimentFilterWater Treatment DeviceShutoff ValveType of WaterHardnessLevelTreatmentDeviceFlushFrequency* Type of WaterHardnessLevelTreatmentDeviceFlushFrequency*Soft 0-1 gpg1-3 gpg(0-17 mg/L) None None NoneNoneNoneNoneSlightly Hard (17-51 mg/L) None NoneModeratelyHardHard3-7 gpg(51-120 mg/L) Once a Year** Once a YearTwice a YearOnce a Year**7-10 gpg(120-171 mg/L)Very Hard 10-14 gpg(171-239 mg/L)Water SoftenerTreatmentRequiredExtremelyHardSoftSlightly HardModeratelyHardHardVery HardExtremelyHard> 14 gpg(> 239 mg/L)0-1 gpg1-3 gpg(0-17 mg/L)(17-51 mg/L)3-7 gpg(51-120 mg/L)7-10 gpg(120-171 mg/L)10-14 gpg(171-239 mg/L)> 14 gpg(> 239 mg/L)TreatmentRequiredTreatmentRequiredTreatmentRequired* Install Isolation Valves to allow for flushing.** Flushing is required if a water treatment device is not installed.Scale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale Inhibitor***** Install Isolation Valves to allow for flushing.** Flushing is required if a water treatment device is not installed.Residential Use Treatment Guidelines Commercial Use Treatment GuidelinesElectroluxCondensingTankless GasWater HeaterWater SoftenerScale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale InhibitorWater SoftenerScale InhibitorIf this water heater will be installed in an application where the supply water is hard, the water must betreated with a water softener or scale inhibitor. Refer to the below tables for suggested treatment andmaintenance measures to be taken based on the water hardness level. Damage to the water heateras a result of water in excess of 12 gpg (200 mg/L) of hardness is not covered by the Electrolux HomeProducts, Inc. Warranty.Note: Water softeners may be regulated by the local water jurisdiction, consult with the manufacturerfor code, sizing, and installation guidelines; the below diagram is for reference only.