S31EUK4090SY(2)99-01The machine is equipped with a removableprogrammer allowing you to modify theautomatic working programs contained in thememory of the machine.Every automatic working program could includespecific values of the following workingparameters:- machine running speed- pressure of brushes- intensity of the cleaning solution flow- uso (yes/no) of the ECO mode- uso (yes/no) of the brushes- uso (yes/no) of the suction motorNote: in order to get a regular solution flow to thebrushes you are obliged to use thesolution pump.The machine operator can define up to 4different automatic working programs (namedP1, P2, P3 and P4) depending on the differentapplications and working conditions.When the working programs have been definedand the machine turned Off the programmer canbe removed. Then it will be possible to selectevery one of the set working programs by meansof the buttons P1, P2, P3 and P4 available on thecontrol panel.Note: in order to set a new working program themachine must be in working condition (i.e.no alert or fluid level signal must beenabled).PROGRAMMING THE MACHINE:EXAMPLESProgram P1: medium intensity scrubbing withsuction enabled.After having turned the machine Off insert theremovable programmer into the connector of thecontrol panel.Turn the machine On. The display will show fourzeros for a few seconds; then the battery voltagewill appear.USE OF THE PROGRAMMER24