18 Setting Surface ControlsSURFACE COOKING UTENSILSPOOR• Curved and warped pan bot-toms.• Pan overhangs unit by morethan 2.5 cm (1”).• Heavy handle tilts pan.• Pan is smaller than element.GOOD• Flat bottom and straightsides.• Tight fitting lids.• Weight of handle does not tiltpan. Pan is well balanced.• Pan sizes match the amount offood to be prepared and the sizeof the surface element.• Made of material that conductsheat well.• Easy to clean.• Always match pot diameter toelement surface diameter.Cookware should have flat bottomsthat make good contact with the entiresurface heating element. Check forflatness by rotating a ruler across thebottom of cookware. Be sure to followthe recommendations for using cook-ware that has shown in the illustrationat right.Note: Always use a cooking utensil for its intended purpose. Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Some utensils werenot made to be used in the oven or on the cooktop.Specialty pans such as lobster pots, griddles and pressure cookers may be used but must conform to the aboverecommended cookware requirements.Note: The size and type of cookware used will influence the setting needed for best cooking results.COOKWARE MATERIAL TYPESThe cookware material determines how evenly and quickly heat is transferred from the surfaceelement to the pan bottom. The most popular materials avalaible are:ALUMINUM - Excellent heat conductor. Some types of food will cause it to darken (Anodizedaluminum cookware resists staining & pitting). If aluminum pans slide across the ceramic glasscooktop, they may leave metal marks which will resemble scatches. Remove these marksimmediately.COPPER - Excellent heat conductor but discolors easily. May leave metal marks on ceramicglass (see Aluminum above).STAINLESS STEEL - Slow heat conductor with uneven cooking results. Is durable, easy toclean and resists staining.CAST IRON - A poor heat conductor however will retain heat very well. Cooks evenly oncecooking temperature is reached. Not recommended for use on ceramic cooktops.PORCELAIN-ENAMEL on METAL - Heating characteristics will vary depending on basematerial. Porcelain-enamel coating must be smooth to avoid scratching ceramic cooktops.GLASS - Slow heat conductor. Not recommended for ceramic cooktop surfaces because it mayscratch the glass.