9Preparing & Loading DishesScrape away large pieces of food, bone, pits,toothpicks, etc. The wash system will removeremaining food particles. Gently scrape awayburned-on food with a non-scratch utensil or letdish soak before washing (see Figure 1). Emptyliquids from glasses and cups.Foods containing vegetable oil and/or chemicaladditives such as mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar,lemon juice or tomato-based products may causediscoloration of stainless steel and plastics ifallowed to sit for a long period of time. Unless thedishwasher is to be operated at once, it is best torinse off these food soils.• Load racks so that large items do notprevent the detergent dispenser fromopening.• Check manufacturer's recommendationsbefore washing items in question.• If the dishwasher drains into a food disposal,be sure disposal is completely emptybefore starting dishwasher.• Load glasses in top rack. Damage may occurif placed in bottom rack unless StemwareCycle is selected.• Damage may occur if delicate items toucheach other during dishwasher operation.• Long-handled knives and utensils can beplaced in the top rack's versa tray.• Be sure nothing protrudes through the bottomof the rack to block rotation of middle sprayarm.LOADING THE TOP RACKThe top rack is designed for flexibility in loading awide variety of items including cups, glasses,stemware, small plates, bowls, etc.10 place settings standard loading pattern14 place settings standard loading patternDISH PREPARATION• Load items with open ends facing down forbetter cleaning and draining.Figure 1