Issue financial cards on demandSpecifically designed for instant issuance of flat or pre-embossedfinancial cards, the Datacard® FP65™ financial card printerempowers innovative banks and retailers to put cards directly intothe hands of cardholders and reduce the risk of compromise. On-demand issuance does not require centralized issuance or mailing,which helps reduce cost-per-card. Plus, this printer offers provenreliability and easy operation, as well as the physical and logicalsecurity features required for financial applications.Improve customer satisfaction and drive usage• Give customers immediate purchasing power. With streamlinedactivation, on-site issuance helps expedite card usage.• Deploy this compact, cost-effective printer with ease at multiplebranch or retail locations for decentralized issuance.• Protect magnetic stripe data from unauthorized interceptionduring network transmission with powerful encryption.• Maximize physical security with a hardware lock suite.• Issue personalized financial and retail cards by printing text andgraphics on flat cards or personalizing pre-embossed cards witha choice of two printheads.Datacard ®FP65 ™ FinancialCard PrinterThe FP65 financial card printerissues new and replacementfinancial cards instantlyto minimize cardholderwait-time and lower therisk of lost or stolen cards.On-demand issuance is an idealway to help expedite cardusage, increase cardholderloyalty and help reduceoperating costs.