PLANNINGGUIDEWeb: http://www.Dacor.comCorporate Phone: 800-793-0093Specifications are subject to change without notice.See installation instructions for additional details. CI.6slim raised vent/Preference™ rangeCombINATIoN INsTALLATIoNs27 13/16"(706mm)29 1/4" (743mm)13/32" (10mm)30 1/16" (764mm)Countertop overhangs cabinet6" (152mm) combustible sidewalls above the range(both sides)Verticalnon-combustiblesurface rear wall3/4" (19mm)Max. backsplash1/4" (6mm)Min. flat ledge13/16" (21mm)23 3/16"(589mm)27 7/8" (708mm)2 13/16"(71mm)Erv/Prv30 wITH PrEfErENCE™ 30” rANGEsLIDE-IN, sELf-rImmING INsTALLATIoN wITH sIDE PANELs AND bACkGUArD rEmovED(Top View)27 13/16"(706mm)29 1/4" (743mm)13/32" (10mm)30 1/16" (764mm)Countertop overhangs cabinet6" (152mm) combustible sidewalls above the range(both sides)27 7/8" (708mm)4 1/4"(108mm)BacksplashMax. 3/4" (19mm)1/4" (6mm)Min. flat ledgeVerticalnon-combustiblesurface rear wall19 3/4”(502mm)2 13/16"(71mm)Erv/Prv30 wITH PrEfErENCE™ 30” rANGEsLIDE-IN, sELf-rImmING INsTALLATIoN UsING 3” sIDE PANELs, bACkGUArD rEmovED(Top View)1/1062805