71D-Link DAP-1560 User ManualSection 4 - SecurityConfigure WPA-Personal (AP Mode)It is recommended to enable encryption on your wireless access point before your wireless network adapters. Please establishwireless connectivity before enabling encryption. Your wireless signal may degrade when enabling encryption due to theadded overhead.1. Log into the web-based configuration by opening a web browserand entering the IP address of the access point ( Clickon Setup and then click Wireless Settings on the left side./FYUUPSecurity Mode in the Wireless Security Mode section TFMFDUWPA-Personal./FYUUPWPA Mode in the WPA section, select Auto (WPA or WPA2),WPA2 Only, or WPA Only. Use Auto if you have wireless clientsusing both WPA and WPA2./FYUUP$JQIFS5ZQF TFMFDUTKIP AES PSTKIP and AES./FYUUPGroup Key Update Interval FOUFSUIFBNPVOUPGUJNFCFGPSFUIFHSPVQLFZVTFEGPSCSPBEDBTUBOENVMUJDBTUEBUBJTchanged./FYUUPUIFPre-Shared KeyTFDUJPO FOUFSBLFZJOUIF1BTTQISBTFöFME5IFLFZJTFOUFSFEBTBQBTTQISBTFJO"4$**GPSNBUBUboth ends of the wireless connection. The passphrase must be between 8-63 characters.7. Click Save Settings at the top of the window to save your settings. If you are configuring the access point with a wirelessBEBQUFS ZPVXJMMMPTFDPOOFDUJWJUZVOUJMZPVFOBCMF81"14,POZPVSBEBQUFSBOEFOUFSUIFTBNFQBTTQISBTFBTZPVEJEPOthe access point.