38D-Link DAP-1560 User ManualSection 3 - ConfigurationWatchdog5IF8BUDIEPHGFBUVSFQJOHTBTQFDJöD*1BEESFTT*GUIF*1BEESFTTTUPQTSFTQPOEJOHUPQJOHT ZPVSBDDFTTQPJOUXJMMCFSFCPPUFE:PVDBOBMTPTFMFDUBOPQUJPOUPIBWFUIFTFOEBOFNBJMBMFSU JGUIFTQFDJöFE*1BEESFTTTUPQTSFTQPOEJOHUPQJOHTEnable:Update TimeInterval:WatchdogResponse IP:Enable Mail Alert:SMTP Server:Sender E-mail:Receiver E-mail:EnableAuthentication:Account Name:Password:Verify Password:Check to enable Watchdog.Enter the interval to ping the entered address.Enter the IP address of a device that can respondback to the access point.Check to have the DAP-1560 email you if it cannotping the above IP address. Syslog must be enabledfor this feature to work.Enter the SMTP mail server address (IP address orURL)Enter the “From” E-mail address.Enter the E-mail address to send to.*GZPVS&NBJMTFSWFSSFRVJSFTBVUIFOUJDBUJPO DIFDLUIJTCPYEnter the account name.Enter the account password.Enter the password again to verify.