3.4.2. ALG_H323DescriptionUse an H.323 Application Layer Gateway to manage H.323 multimedia traffic.PropertiesName Specifies a symbolic name for the ALG. (Identifier)AllowTCPDataChannels Allow TCP data channels (T.120). (Default: Yes)MaxTCPDataChannels Maximum number of TCP data channels per call. (Default:10)TranslateAddresses Automatic or Specific. (Default: Automatic)TranslateLogicalChannelAd-dressesTranslate logical channel addresses. (Default: Yes)MaxGKRegLifeTime Max Gatekeeper Registration Lifetime. (Default: 1800)Comments Text describing the current object. (Optional)3.4.3. ALG_HTTPDescriptionUse an HTTP Application Layer Gateway to filter HTTP traffic.PropertiesName Specifies a symbolic name for the ALG. (Identifier)RemoveCookies Remove cookies. (Default: No)RemoveScripts Remove Javascript/VBScript. (Default: No)RemoveApplets Remove Java applets. (Default: No)RemoveActiveX Remove ActiveX objects (including Flash). (Default: No)VerifyUTF8URL Verify that URLs does not contain invalid UTF8 encoding.(Default: No)BlackURLDisplayReason Message to show when there is an attempt to access a black-listed site. (Optional)MaxDownloadSize The maximal allowed file size in kB. (Optional)FileListType Specifies if the file list contains files to allow or deny.(Default: Block)FailModeBehavior Standard behaviour on error: Allow or Deny. (Default: Deny)File List of file types to allow or deny. (Optional)VerifyContentMimetype Verify that file extentions correspond to the MIME type.3.4.3. ALG_HTTP Chapter 3. Configuration Reference61