3.23. IPRuleDescriptionAn IP rule specifies what action to perform on network traffic that matches the specified filter criter-ia.PropertiesIndex The index of the object, starting at 1. (Identifier)Name Specifies a symbolic name for the rule. (Optional)Action Reject, Drop, FwdFast, Allow, NAT, SAT or SLB_SAT.SourceInterface Specifies the name of the receiving interface to be compared tothe received packet.SourceNetwork Specifies the sender span of IP addresses to be compared to the re-ceived packet.DestinationInterface Specifies the the destination interface to be compared to the re-ceived packet.DestinationNetwork Specifies the span of IP addresses to be compared to the destina-tion IP of the received packet.Service Specifies a service that will be used as a filter parameter whenmatching traffic with this rule.Schedule By adding a schedule to a rule, the security gateway will only al-low that rule to trigger at those designated times. (Optional)NATAction Specify sender address or Use interface address. (Default: UseIn-terfaceAddress)NATSenderAddress Specifies which sender address will be used.SATTranslate Specifies whether to translate source IP or destination IP.(Default: DestinationIP)SATTranslateToIP Translate to this IP address.SATTranslateToPort Translate to this port. (Optional)SATAllToOne Rewrite all destination IPs to a single IP. (Default: No)SLBStickiness Specifies stickiness mode. (Default: None)SLBIdleTimeOut New connections that arrive within the idle timeout are assignedto the same real server as previous connections from that address.The timeout is refreshed after each new connection. (Default: 30)SLBMaxSlots Specifies maximum number of slots for IP and network stickiness.(Default: 2048)SLBNetSize Specifies network size for network stickiness. (Default: 24)SLBMonitorPing Enable monitoring using ICMP Ping packets. (Default: No)3.23. IPRule Chapter 3. Configuration Reference97