Cost EffectiveWireless Solution-Use With AnyPC You OwnFully 802.11b CompliantHigh Data Encryptionfor More SecureCommunicationQuick & Easy InstallationLight and Portable-Be WirelessWherever You GoAdjustable Antennafor MaximumWireless ReceptionD-Link AirDWL-120WirelessUSB AdapterThe DWL-120 provides a simple andinexpensive way to connect your laptop ordesktop computer to a wireless network.Use it in the office on your desktop PCand on the road with your laptop.The DWL-120 is Wi-Fi certified and fullycompliant with the IEEE 802.11b wirelessstandard, making it interoperable withother existing 802.11b-compliant devices.The DWL-120 supports 64/128-bit WEPencryption to offer a level of security forthe data that you transmit over a wirelessnetwork.The DWL-120 connects to any standardUSB port on a laptop or desktop computer.By following the simple four quick stepsin the quick installation guide you canconnect to an available wireless networkin a matter of seconds.Its new, attractive and compact designallows you to take the DWL-120 whereveryou go. It fits easily into notebookcarrying cases, briefcases, backpacks oreven your coat pocket.With its USB cable (included) and theadapter s flip-up antenna, the DWL-120can be positioned virtually anywhere in aworkspace to achieve the best availablewireless signal reception - whether thatworkspace is in your office, on your deckor patio, by the pool, at the local coffeeshop, or in an airport terminal whileyou re waiting to board your next flight.