Wireless Controller User Manual113• Disassociated: The client has disassociated from the managed AP. Ifthe client does not roam to another managed AP within the client roamtimeout, it will be deleted.Disassociate: Disassociates the client from the managed AP.View Details: For each client associated with an AP that the controller manages, youcan view detailed status information about the client and its associa tion with theaccess point.View Neighbour Status: The associated client status shows information about accesspoints that the client detects. The information on this page can help you determine themanaged AP an associated client might use for roaming.View Distributed Tunneling Status: The associated client status shows informationabout access points that the client detects. The AP -AP tunnelling mode is used tosupport L3 roaming for wireless clients without forwarding any data traffic to thewireless controllerView SSID Details: Each managed AP can be from different networks that each havea unique SSID. Although several wireless clients might be connected to the samephysical AP, they might not connect by using the same SSID. The WLAN >Monitoring > Client > Associated Clients > SSID Status page lists the SSIDs of thenetworks that each wireless client associated with a managed AP has used for WLANaccess.View VAP Details: Each AP has set of Virtual Access Points (VAPs) per radio, andevery VAP has a unique MAC address (BSSID). This displays the VAP AssociatedClient Status page which shows information about the VAPs on the managed AP thathave associated wireless clients.4.5.2 LAN ClientsStatus > LAN Client Info >LAN ClientsThe LAN clients to the controller are identified by an ARP scan through the LANcontroller. The NetBios name (if available), IP address and MAC address ofdiscovered LAN hosts are displayed.