80D-Link COVR-3902 User ManualSection 3 - ConffgurationWebsite FilterThe website filter settings allow you to block access to certain web sites. Youcan either create a list of sites to block, or create a list of sites to allow (with allother sites being blocked).In the Features menu on the bar on the top of the page, click Website Filter.If you want to create a list of sites to block, select DENY client access to ONLYthese sites from the drop-down menu. All other sites will be accessible. If youwant to specify a list of sites to allow, select ALLOW clients access to ONLYthese sites from the drop-down menu. All other sites will be blocked.You may specify a maximum of twenty four web sites. To add a new site to thelist, click Add Rule. Next, under Website URL/Domain enter the URL or domain.If you wish to remove a rule, click on its trash can icon in the Delete column. Ifyou wish to edit a rule, simply replace the URL or domain.Click Save when you are done.