51D-Link COVR-3902 User ManualSection 3 - ConffgurationStatic IPv6Select Static IP if your IPv6 information is provided by your Internet ServiceProvider (ISP).Use Link-LocalAddress:Enable or disable link-local address use.Default Gateway: Enter the default gateway for your IPv6 connection.Primary DNSServer:Enter the primary DNS server address.Secondary DNSServer:Enter the secondary DNS server address.If Use Link-Local Address is disabled these additional parameters are available forconfiguration:IPv6 Address: Enter the address supplied by your ISP.Subnet PrefixLength:Enter the subnet prefix length supplied by your ISP.LAN IPv6 Address SettingsLAN IPv6 Address: Enter the LAN (local) IPv6 address for the router.LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address:Displays the router’s LAN link-local address.